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Text File | 1997-10-07 | 6.4 KB | 136 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- "Control Freak" Written by Lance Drake - Version 1.1
- Copyright 1997 - All rights reserved
- Comments/Suggestions: lance@drake.org
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Q: What is 'Control Freak'?
- This PPC application allows the User to make adjustments to the
- display settings of an Apple Video input system. They are then saved
- so that they may be quickly called up at a later time.
- Q: Why would you need an app like 'Control Freak'?
- A: The "Apple Video Player" application does not have a 'Hue' control
- (as of this writing) and this was the initial reason for creating it.
- Additionally, other video related applications little or no
- adjustment of the video input signal. In some apps, there is not
- offered control over the full range of some parameters. Also, the
- selector for whether the video input is from a realtime video source
- such as the video output of a tuner versus the playback of a video
- tape from a VCR is not always supported in all apps. If this is
- not set properly, the image can be considered completely unviewable.
- Hardware Support Limitations:
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- This app only works with Apple Macintosh PowerPC models:
- 7500, 7600, 8500, and 8600
- Q: Why not all Macs with video input capability?
- A: Because the hardware is different in these other computers and must
- be accessed differently and a number of salient details are not known
- that would make this possible. Perhaps in a future version.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q: What about the controls, buttons and sliders?
- ‘Sliders’:
- By pointing and clicking on the 'slider' controls and then moving the
- 'thumb' left or right, it is possible to send a message to the hardware
- which will cause the image as captured by the hardware and delivered to
- the current video display window to be changed in one way or another.
- Simply clicking on the 'line' of a slider will cause the 'thumb' to chase
- to that point. The middle position of each slider control is the
- approximate middle of the control range and will be most likely to allow
- for a viewable image is all controls are set there. As it happens, the
- image on the system on which this app was developed had a video input
- system which tended to make everyone's face look like an overripe lemon.
- ‘Update Hardware’:
- Pressing this button sends the current slider settings and the ‘Input
- is VCR playback’ checkbox settings to the hardware. It is useful in
- that it is not necessary to ‘touch’ each control to make the settings
- active. It is also useful to update the hardware which may have been
- adjusted as a result of another application being launched.
- ‘Use Defaults’:
- Pressing this button causes the default values stored as a resource in the
- application to be fetched, loaded into the controls and sent to the hardware.
- These values may be changed as desired by using ‘ResEdit’ or ‘Resorcerer’.
- The values to which these resources may be set are included in the title of
- each member of the resource. There is a ‘TMPL’ resource included in the app
- which makes this a pretty simple process once you get the app opend for
- resource editing.
- ‘Input is VCR Playback’:
- This checkbox changes the time constant of the horizontal sync detector
- such that it is more tolerant of the jitter which is generated by video
- tape machines during playback of a tape.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Other notes:
- ‘Control Freak’ remembers its window position when closed. If you get into
- a situation where the window is not accessable (which should never happen,
- but can) you simply throw away the preferences file ('Control Freaks.prefs')
- in the Preferences folder located in the active system folder of the ‘Boot’
- disk. When next the application is launched, the default values for window
- location and control settings will be loaded in from a resource in the
- application and applied to the various settings. The current settings are
- saved automatically when the app is Quit.
- Changing the defaults:
- Using 'ResEdit' or 'Resorcerer' will allow the experienced User to change
- the settings which are imposed as the initial defaults or when the 'Use
- Defaults' button is pressed. The simplest way to accomplish an adjustment
- here is to launch the program, get everything looking just as you would wish
- and then Quit the app. To be safe, save off a copy of the app AND the preferences
- file. Then open the app and the 'Control Freak.prefs' file using the resource
- editor of choice, copy the 'pref' resource (ID = 1000) from the prefs file and
- replace it into the app file. Save and close both files then relaunch. Hitting
- the 'Use Defaults' button will show whether you have accomplished this correctly.
- If not,then make a copy of your back up disks and adjust accordingly.
- 'Control Freak'is 'Apple Scriptable':
- To the extent that you can begin recording an Apple Script, launch an app such
- as 'Apple Video Player', then launch the 'Control Freak' app, use the 'File'
- menu of the app to cause it to be 'Quit' and then 'Stop Recording' the Apple
- Script. Later, you can replay the Apple Script to cause the 'Apple Video Player'
- to be launched and have the image adjusted as you would like in that 'Control
- Freak' will issue commands to the video hardware based on the contents of it's
- preferences file.
- Below is an example of an Apple Script you might want to modify and use:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tell application "Finder"
- activate
- select file "Apple Video Player " of folder "Apple Menu Items" of folder "System 8" of startup disk
- open selection
- select file "Control Freak" of folder "Projects" of startup disk
- open selection
- end tell
- tell application "Control Freak"
- activate
- quit
- end tell
- tell application "Finder"
- activate
- end tell
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q: Is 'Control Freak' shareware or what?
- A: 'Control Freak Version 1.1' is FREEWARE so long as it is not modified in any
- way functionally or in appearance and so long as the author's name is not removed
- from it in any way or from any resources. 'Control Freak' may not be resold but
- may be distributed freely to others.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- eof: 'Control Freak • Read Me'